About MMC

    I suppose this is the section where I talk about myself and explain why a new single mama of an infant decided to take on the job of starting a new business in the midst of raising said infant.....well....I am not always the most practical with my ideas, but when they hit me, I dive in feet first, so I don't hit my head on the way down and most of the time (knock on wood) my spontaneous ideas work wonderfully in my favor. I've always been a person who has to be doing something. Keeping busy with even multiple things that occupy my interest, or I get bored. 

     I grew up in a small farming community and after high school, I moved to Kansas City and pursued Cosmetology School. After about 10 inches of hair cut off, multiple colors, and several sessions of being a therapist without getting paid therapist wages....I decided that industry was not for me. (I love and so proud of all of you that put up with us in the hair chairs)

    Moving back home led me to go to a small community college and I there obtained my Graphic Arts degree which has significantly helped me with crafting, runinng certain computer programs. I also learned how to build and maintain this website.....but, the knowledge of how to create and design business cards, webistes etc. is pretty much all I took from those two years..haha..

    Moving on through the party years, I got bored, uprooted my life, moved 3.5 hours away and started a new in another little farming town where I ended up going to that little community college and obtained my Ag Power Technology degree which was basically diesel school for large farming equipment. I became a combine technician for John Deere for about 2 years, and what a ride that was, But I knew where my heart was supposed to be, and that was back home, on my farm. 

    Why Midwest Mama Co? As I had mentioned above, I am a new mama. My son was born 5/26/23 and since then my life has been a fantastic whirlwind of excitement. For those of you who know me from my social media presence (shoutout to my moo crew) know that I live on my farm, and I have my little cows. For those of you that are new here, I will have to do a story time on one of the newsletters and catch y'all up...but for now, feel free to check out my socials. I am Mini Cow Girl on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. 

    I used to have an online store, and I loved it. I loved making things. I felt a different purpose other than the norm. Although, currently, I am not crafting (yet)...I am still getting the joy of seeing people excited for the items I have available. I wanted a boutique that had farm, ranch, cows, and country inspired items as well as some items that are just downright relatable. If I saw something that made me laugh, or something that I knew I had to have....I had a feeling that many of you would laugh or have the same feeling of having to have it. There is a vast smorgasbord of items across my website that I'm sure everyone can find something for yourself or someone. 

    Well, I feel I've rambled enough on here, and I am so excited to share this new journey with you! I want y'all to know that if you have ANY issues with the website, orders, products, ANYTHING...please don't hesitate to go to the "Front Office" send me a message, and I will try and fix it and if I can't, I will make it right! Happy shopping!

                                                                                                    -Midwest Mama